About CanCOLD
Get to know us a bit better
By following 1,500 healthy and COPD individuals across 9 Canadian sites for more than a decade, CanCOLD has assembled one of the most comprehensive data pools to answer questions related to COPD in the world.
Our Study Organization
CanCOLD relies on a multidisciplinary team of researchers, staff, and external advisors. Each committee and group outlined below play an important role in advancing the CanCOLD mission and achieving our objectives.
Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)
RI-MUHC Accountability Oversight
Tactical Advisory Council (TAC)

Standing Research Committees
Thematic Working Groups
Science Steering Team (SST)
The CanCOLD Science Steering Team (SST) is the principal CanCOLD decision-making body, providing overall scientific leadership and primary responsibility for oversight of all activities. The SST decides on all strategic planning aspects of on-going and future study protocol modifications or integration of emerging science, and resolves operational issues relating to communication and knowledge translation, finances, ethics, quality control, security management, data access and privacy.

Dr. Brandie Laurel Walker

Dr. Wan C. Tan

Dr. Kenneth R. Chapman

Dr. Denis E. O’Donnell

Dr. Darcy D. Marciniuk

Dr. Jean Bourbeau

Dr. Francois Maltais

Dr. Paul Hernandez
Substudy & Ancillary Studies Committee (SASC)
The Substudy and Ancillary Committee (SASC) reviews study proposals and recommends modifications to the science or the conduct of data analyses, logistics and time frame for completion and diffusion.

Dr. Wan C. Tan

Dr. Kenneth R. Chapman

Dr. Shawn Aaron

Dr. Francois Maltais

Dr. Miranda Kirby

Dr. Dennis Jensen

Dr. Mathieu Morissette
CanCOLD Operations
The CanCOLD Operations group is responsible for day-to-day operations of the study. Members have tasks and responsibilities related to study coordination, database/sample management, data collection, cohort monitoring, and results dissemination and visibility.

Dr. Dany Doiron

Kayla Lewis-Thelusmon

Palmina Mancino

Zhi Song

Pei Zhi Li
Biomarkers/ Genetics/Epigenetics
Thematic Working Groups play an important role in the creation and validation of scientific content for the CanCOLD organization and serve as ambassadors for promoting CanCOLD in the scientific and policy communities. They provide opinions and advice on advancing research protocols, position papers, clinical and research guidelines and policy documents in their field of expertise.

Dr. Wan C. Tan

Dr. Janice Leung

Dr. Ana Hernandez

Dr. Qingling Duan

Dr. Yohan Bossé

Dr. Gregory Fonseca

Dr. Graeme Koelwyn

Dr. Don Sin
Physiology/ Pathophysiology/Imaging
Thematic Working Groups play an important role in the creation and validation of scientific content for the CanCOLD organization and serve as ambassadors for promoting CanCOLD in the scientific and policy communities. They provide opinions and advice on advancing research protocols, position papers, clinical and research guidelines and policy documents in their field of expertise.

Dr. Miranda Kirby

Dr. Michael Stickland

Dr. Nicolle Domnik

Dr. Jordan Guenette

Dr. Dennis Jensen

Dr. Geoff Maksym

Dr. Kate Milne

Dr. Alberto Neder

Dr. Devin Phillips

Dr. Grace Paraga

Dr. Ben Smith

Dr. Sanja Stanojevich

Dr. Jason Weatherald
Knowledge Translation & Dissemination Committee (KTDC)
The Knowledge Translation and Dissemination Committee (KTDC) is responsible for initiating and facilitating knowledge translation and dissemination activities for the CanCOLD study. The KTDC tracks, positions and provides an integrated view of CanCOLD study outcomes.

Dr. Darcy D. Marciniuk

Dr. Paul Hernandez

Peter Simpson

Renata Rea
Disease characterization/Patient-reported outcomes/Research translation
Thematic Working Groups play an important role in the creation and validation of scientific content for the CanCOLD organization and serve as ambassadors for promoting CanCOLD in the scientific and policy communities. They provide opinions and advice on advancing research protocols, position papers, clinical and research guidelines and policy documents in their field of expertise.

Dr. Brandie Laurel Walker

Dr. Paul Hernandez

Dr. Dany Doiron

Dr. Bryan Ross

Dr. Andrea Gershon

Dr. Tetyana Kendzerska
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