For Researchers
CanCOLD Data
With longitudinal evaluations and detailed characterization of study subjects using a range of assessment tools, CanCOLD is an invaluable resource to catalyze COPD research.
Data Access
The CanCOLD study makes its population-based longitudinal data available to Canadian and international investigators and trainees. CanCOLD is a national and international resource offering opportunities to evaluate countless scientific hypotheses, to translate bench research to prevention and treatment, and to further insights into complex interactions of environment, lifestyle and genetics on chronic respiratory diseases including COPD.
Visit our Data Portal for more information.

How to access our data?

Step 1
Visit our Data Portal to learn more about the data CanCOLD collects.

Step 2
Create and submit a substudy proposal application via our Data Portal.

Step 3
Address any requests for revisions from the Sustudy and Ancillary Study Committee (SASC).
CanCOLD charges data access fees to researchers on a partial cost-recovery basis. Data access fees help ensure the sustainability of the CanCOLD study, and help offset the costs of administration, coordination, and management of CanCOLD study activities. Data access fees also help partial recovery of CanCOLD database oversight, and of data extraction and delivery costs for a given project.
CanCOLD data access fees are primarily calculated based on:
Funding source (i.e. private/industry sponsored vs. public/academic),
Whether only one wave of data collection (cross-sectional study) or multiple data collection waves (longitudinal study) are requested,
The types of data requested (i.e. questionnaires and spirometry, CPET, CT scan, and biomarker data), and
The location of the primary applicants’ host institution (i.e. Canadian or international*). Data access applications directly supporting a Masters or PhD thesis, or Post-doctoral fellowship project are subject to substantial discounts.
*International investigators: Please note that CanCOLD cannot share its data outside of Canada. The analysis of the requested dataset is done locally by CanCOLD’s data analyst following the data analysis plan elaborated by the international investigator. The cost for international researchers covers the analysis time and work and 1 journal publication resulting from the analysis. Any subsequent publication using the same dataset will incure an additional fee.
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