About CanCOLD

Get to know us a bit better

By following 1,500 healthy and COPD individuals across 9 Canadian sites for more than a decade, CanCOLD has assembled one of the most comprehensive data pools to answer questions related to COPD in the world.

Our Study Sites

CanCOLD data collection sites are located in university-affiliated hospitals across Canada. From coast-to-coast, CanCOLD sites are found in Vancouver, Calgary, Saskatoon, Toronto, Kingston, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, and Halifax. Each site is led by experienced investigators with international profiles in respiratory health research, and supported by a team of dedicated research coordinators.


Principal Investigator

Research coordinator

Curtis Dumonceaux
E: CJDumonc@ucalgary.ca

Collection site contact information

Department of Medicine,
University of Calgary
HRIC Bldg., Room 4C60
3280 Hospital Drive NW
Calgary, AB, T2N 4Z6

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